Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Black Dem Pres in .... White Rep Pres out .... same international controllers .....Rahm Emanuel

Source: NY Times
Rahm Emanuel - Israeli citizen / soldier, and Obama's chief of staff. First meeting with Congressional Leadership.

Mr. Emanuel cracks his knuckles. The President of the United States asks him to not crack his knuckles. Mr. Emanuel walks over to the seated President and cracks his knuckles right in the President's ear and smirks. This done in front of the Congressional leadership.

Emanuel knows authority he reports to far out-trumps the sitting president of the united states and wanted to display this to the congressional leadership.

Obama is a very weak puppet. I doubt any of his heritage and parental roots / morals will leak out of his administration from now on.

There is one objective. International banking cartel currency. Liberals were idiots just like conservatives were duped by Bush. This right-left paradigm is just a silly magic trick to keep americans from waking from the media induced stupor.

This book has been on the Israeli best seller list for the last 19 months.

When and How Was the Jewish People Invented
It is supposed to be published in the US next year by Verso Press. I'll be shocked if it get's released.

It basically is a retelling of the Khazarian people who converted to Judaism in the 9th century (of Turkish region origin). The author is a History Professor at Tel Aviv University. This is problematic for Home Land atrocities committed by israelis who have literally NO basis to call Palestine their home.

What is this? Could honest conversation be hitting the mainstream group think?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Bush II Years

When jr. took office:

  • National Debt was $5.7 trillion
  • The world was in a very stable geo-political condition
  • The Dow was 10,500
  • America was known as a beacon of liberty

Eight years later

  • National Debt is truly unknown. At LEAST $12 trillion.
  • His administration has pushed multiple countries to the brink of war, and initiated 2.
  • The Dow ends at 8,000
  • America is known as a destabilizing force.

Good riddance.

Monday, January 19, 2009

1,300 Dead in Gaza now....

and the israeli leadership are celebrating their "victory" with Obama there in Washington.

We live in a narcissistic world. Winning is all that matters. The winner defines the event. The loser is forgotten / irrelevant.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

After more than a thousand lives slaughtered and 1.5 million Gazans terrorized, Israel stops the onslaught in time to fly to Wash DC on Tuesday.

If we thought baby bush was a slave to Israel, with obama there is no question. He has more dual citizens in his headquarters than ever.... just to make sure he doesn't slip up.

Those are US paid uniforms, ammunition, weapons and allows them to have that evil smirk. They are like some obnoxious fat kid in elementary who had an even larger obnoxious bully brother. Without his brother, the little kid pees his pants when confronted.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

War Crimes would immediately be charged against a poorer nation performing such atrocities.

This will go right over the heads of pink wigged evangelicals who want the assured destruction of Jerusalem so their heavenly ascent can occur.

Rabbi Against Israel - The funniest videos are a click away

Gazans dealing with real terrorism

Situation in Gaza - The top video clips of the week are here


19 Days

1,000 - Palestinian Semites slaughtered.

673 - Civilians

225 - Children

$1.4 B - Damage to the camp's meager infrastructure.

$5 - U.N. support per Gazan for this emergency

$129 mil - US military aid in those 19 days

1.5 mil - Imprisoned, hungry and thirsty fellow humans.

0 - Amount evangelicals care

Kucinich: He and Ron Paul are the only two white politicians not owned by AIPAC and the shareholders of the Fed Reserve

"Federal Reserve no more federal than Federal Express"... I love it!

700 civilians in a UN relief building bombed yesterday in Gaza? Who cares? We don't . They're rats. Animals. Vermin? ...Right? ...Really?

This is incredible that our US population is so dumb downed to be complicit in yet another attempted massacre. At the very least they are directly hitting the Gazan's sole remaining food source.

Here is a video of what those brave little Israeli hellions do when their servants actually have a way to defend themselves.

America's days of transferring it's debt to the world is almost over.

The problem for the world is that the US blankets the world with nuclear devices and has proven over and again the aptitude to slaughter large numbers of civilians with the slightest provocation.

So this is a new problem. A nation that consumes the world's resources using its flimsy financial / debt instruments AND dares these nations to complain down the nose of nuclear missiles.

This will not stand, but several billion people will die before this madness ends. And the ruling elite will be pleased. Their stated goal is to cull the masses down to under a billion. No need to waste the earth's resources on non producers.

Tyranny never lasts, but the masses are always crunched under the tracks of the elite's war machinery.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Big brave boy in blue knocks over a 71 WalMart greeter for wanting to check HIS (Kenneth Freeman) bags.

Then proceeds to push another man through a glass door. Charges? of course not.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

There is NO WAY to know if this is at all accurate, but the Pentagon claims Guantanamo kidnapees "return" to terrorism....

Khalid Meshaal - The Elected leader of the Palestinian People

“We want the immediate and complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and the lifting of the unjust siege on Gaza that has led to the current situation. Our other request is the opening of all border crossings including the Rafah border crossing. We, with an open mind, will deal with any initiatives and decisions based on these three requests. Therefore, we will not accept any negotiations for a truce in the light of and under the pressure of a military campaign and siege.
“Let the military campaign stop, let the Israelis withdraw, and let the rights of our people be admitted to, let them recognize our rights to live without a siege and closed border crossings, just like other humans, then we are ready to discuss a truce, just like we did before. We will not accept a permanent truce, because it will take the right of resistance from the Palestinian people. The resistance is against occupation and military campaigns and therefore as long as occupation exists, resistance will too... We will also not accept the interference of international forces because international forces will come only to protect Israel's security and any international force imposed will be considered as occupiers.

“We will not accept any talks about strengthening the 'choke hold' on the resistance concerning its weapons. Some are speaking about the tunnels as if Gaza is a super power with advanced weapons, while we are people with very limited capabilities to defend our territories and ourselves. No body has the right to take our legitimate right for defense and resistance. The US, as if the whole of the Israeli arsenal does not exists, sends hundreds of tons of explosives and artillery shells to Israel.

“Some express fear that after all the sacrifices, the leadership of the resistance may collapse or make a settlement for example. On the contrary, the blood of our women and children and people will increase our cohesion and determination to achieve our aims. It is unjust that after all these massacres to just go and say lets make a truce. On the contrary, the price of this bloodshed is freedom and to decide our own destiny and to end the occupation and siege." (Meshaal: Resistance is all we have in Gaza, Press TV)”

There is only 1 international figurehead that can jerk an American President offstage to have him admonish his Sec of State . - Ehud Olmert

americans... this is Ehud Olmert. He is the Prime Minister of Israel. He is the front man for the machine that pulls the u.s. presidential and congressional nose ring.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

This has never been more true

"Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial". - Ariel Sharon

While all the world's nations state with a unified voice that Israel must stop it's 60 year genocide of the Palestinian people, america refuses to enforce justice. Just this week, after 800 new deaths, our Senate and Congress jointly bow to their AIPAC handlers in stating our unwavering allegiance (complicity) in this abomination.

Our fat bodies and manipulated minds are no match for the onslaught of media manipulation going on here in the states.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Pat Robertson's 2009 Predictions / Instructions

This is a must see. You really need to watch it carefully a couple of times to get the impact of the programming here.

Robertson switches between what his lord shows him on the mountain and what his Bilderberg handlers feed him. The programming for the evangelical sheeple is breathtaking.

He swings between hyperinflation and economic recovery. He tells us several times that "the people will welcome socialism...". He tells us that Israel will be upheld by the lord no matter the world's outcry of their war crimes. He tells us the lord said the muslims are going to switch sides.

Folks, this is pure and simple sector programming for what is about to happen. Unfortunately, this sector of the US population is so easily programed with basic evangelical phrases.

Miracles? You bet. Most americans have no clue of the extreme deep military UFO high tech activity that has been heavily documented online these past 10 years. For 95% of americans, if it is not on their local news cast, it does not exist. This technology can create huge evangelical denominations overnight.

This man is a spokesman for a ruthless body of power.

The NeoCons have created a perfect deterrence against liberal ideas Obama might have wanted to implement

Now the projection is an operating deficit of $1.2 Trillion for 2009.

Their goal is to strangle the State's ability to help the impoverished by grotesque military spending.

Wow! Jon Stewart states the obvious.

Only a dual citizen can get away with this on network television today.

In 8 years MAYBE 20 Israelis have been killed by Gaza area bottle rockets

Of course that justifies the slaughter of 800 civilians (1/2 women/children) in the Gaza encampment.

New footage of the BART psycho cop - killer

If possible, can we take our colored lenses off and TRY to imagine if these boys had been white?

In cold blood this idiot, Johannes Mehserle, who I am guessing just recently came back from Iraq, killed a young man. This was no taser confusion. If I am right that he is a recent Iraq veteran, this was pure reaction to killing a subhuman.

We'll find out soon.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

As of yesterday 1/3 of the 700 slaughtered in Gaza have been children

Mother (her name was Miyasar) and her 4 children were killed Monday while eating breakfast.

Israeli tough guys in asymmetrical warfare. Excellent in the destruction of a starving and defenseless Gazan prison population.
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These are my musings on financial and geopolitical events that are exploding around us in these most tenuous of times.

Would welcome your feedback.


Israel is now goading Lebanon.... they're itching to redeem their bruised ego AND get things going.

These madmen are absolutely obsessed on implicating Iran so they can get this WWIII going. They have failed in their recent goading of Russia (Israeli controlled Georgia) and India (via false flag "Pakistani - Israeli controlled ISI" bombings)